Everaert Advocaten Immigration Lawyers was established in 1982 and has since evolved into an internationally renowned law firm, focusing exclusively on migration law. With a team of 12 lawyers, each with their own expertise, we cover the whole spectrum from family reunification to nationality law to corporate immigration. We think it is important to have all these experts under one roof, where we can share knowledge and look at cases from different angles.

Everaert Advocaten has a dedicated Business Unit, consisting of 3 lawyers and a global mobility manager plus staff, that can offer international companies advice on what needs to be considered when establishing a company in the Netherlands, when hiring staff, when transferring people from the main company or from a third country, on how to be compliant with Dutch law and we can also give in house trainings to HR. 

We can take care of IND applications for recognized sponsorship of your company, residence permits for your employees and apply for 30% tax rulings with the Tax service. 

Dutch immigration laws are strict and not always straightforward. There is a lot of bureaucracy involved. Make sure you are aware of the rules beforehand or get good advice, it can save you a lot of money (or fines). Good legal guidance can also save you a lot of distraction from what you came to do here in the first place: expand and run your business.

Contact persons

Bram van Melle, Kirsty Gies & Marcel Reurs